Nude Rider Hit 17 Cars in Moscow

MOSCOW - A motorist who drove his car drunk and naked at a high speed in central Moscow on Sunday (10/30/2011). Vehicle, according to state television, then smashed into 17 cars before the police stopped the chase in the Russian capital.

Daily Mail

"When the police told him to open his car door, it is clear that the driver was naked," the television reported, showing a row of car windows shattered glass and wrecked its side. Motorists, according to Russian television reports, named Vitaly Grodi and worked as a taxi driver.

Local media said the man apparently 40-year-old came from Moldova, and showed a picture of smiling in the backseat of a police car.

State television said the levels of alcohol in his body was "extraordinarily high". Television pictures showed the driver depressed with a bloody face and hands sitting in their car. However, the police said no one suffered serious injuries.

"The most dangerous part is when he (drunk driver) almost crashed into a bus full of schoolchildren," said police spokesman, Gennady Bogachev. He added, four of the 17 vehicles that were hit by police car.

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