Advice from Steve Jobs to Bill Clinton

Former U.S. President Bill Clinton once asked Steve Jobs discourse through midnight phone conversations when tripped Monica Lewinsky sex scandal in 1998. This was revealed in a biography of Apple founder Steve Jobs.

"I do not know if you do it (sex scandal), but if so, you have to admit to your country," said Jobs to Clinton.

It is not yet clear, whether the advice to admit in public scandal were well received because there was a long silence on the line after Jobs gave the answer, according to the biography of Apple founder Steve Jobs wrote Walter Isaacson quoted as saying the British publication, the Telegraph.

Clinton's famous midnight phone calls from the office of president of the Oval Office, because he worked late into the night. But it is highly questionable why Clinton seek advice innovators from Silicon Valley on the issue of political controversy and sensitive personal.

The current U.S. president has consistently avoided questions about his affair with Lewinsky when she (Lewinsky) internship at the White House.

Biography to be published on Monday revealed details of the relationship Jobs and his conversation with some famous people ranging from technology pioneers, businessmen and political leaders.

In his book, he (Jobs) once stunned and speechless when I met with one of his musical heroes Bob Dylan - Incident Jobs can not speak or "tounge-tied" rarely occurs because Jobs always have the words or opinions.

It's certainly different between meetings Jobs with The Rolling Stones singer Mick Jagger impression is not good. Jobs said, "The Rolling Stones frontman was being influenced by drugs or brain damaged."

According to Isaacson, Jobs never asked for help directly to U.S. President Bill Clinton but rejected. When deploying the ad campaign "Think Different", Jobs had persuaded Clinton to call Tom Hanks a star to want ads.

In an interview with Time magazine after Jobs's death, the former U.S. president to recall the 42's thanks to Jobs' Chelsea Clinton was a student at Stanford University, in the heart of Silicon Valley, California.

Clinton recalls saying back to Jobs, "It's hard to see the streets of Chelsea, if you are the president. I have a house outside of town, you and Hillary can stay in there, Chelsea could also bring my friends to it whenever you want."

Clinton added, "He gave me the priceless gift, a chance to see my child when I was a key figure. So I am very biased in his kindness. Plus, I can work on the iPad."

Clinton also appreciate the work ethic Jobs, he says: "He is a person who believes and has a high concentration."

But he noted that sometimes the style of leadership Jobs will not be suitable for politicians because "you have to be somewhat more inclusive".

Clinton attended the funeral of Steve Jobs on Sunday last, who died after pancreatic cancer called neuroendocrine tumors undermined his health.

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