Wow, Concubine of China Emperor 3000 People! - There have been many who knew when kings or emperors had many concubines. Understandably, the concubine became part of the palace the king's life. In China, in the past, the emperor's concubines very many. There's even the emperor who had a concubine to 3,000 people. Emperor who has as much as it is the Emperor's concubine Kanxi (1654-1722) of Qing Dynasty.

"The Emperor's disparate hobby, nobody likes riding, anyone have any other hobbies," said Wang, who guide while visiting the Forbidden City in downtown Beijing, Thursday (10/11/2011).

Then can the emperor met or associated with all the concubines? "It seems not. Emperor select which ones he likes," he said. Let's say, every day of the emperor's concubine met one person only, then it took about eight years and three months before they met again the same concubine.

But this imperial China including the leader of that advance. Under his leadership, obtained progress in various fields, including the welfare and security.

At the back of the Forbidden City, just behind the emperor's residence, there is a park filled with pine trees and rocks sculpted by nature. In the park that is, the emperor with his family to relax, of course also a children's play emperor.

Forbidden City has an area of ​​approximately 72 acres, with buildings are layered so that fortify the residence of the emperor who was in the back.

Palace complex was built in 1406 out of the Ming Dynasty for 15 years, which is also followed by the Qing Dynasty. Every day visited by 40,000 tourists from various parts of the world. At the peak holiday period the number of travelers can reach 90,000 people per day. Admission 60 yuan or about Rp 84,000 per person. (M. Subhan SD writes from Beijing, China)
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