Yogyakarta (AFP) - The National Atomic Energy Agency (Batan) asserts that nuclear technology in Indonesia will not be exploited for the benefit of making weapons.
"Utilization of nuclear technology in Indonesia will not be used for the purpose of making weapons of war, but rather intended for the purpose of peace and human welfare," said the head of the National Atomic Energy Agency (Batan), Hudi Hastowo, after the inauguration of the Nuclear Zone in Yogyakarta Smart Park on Saturday.
According to him, Indonesia has had legislation on the use of nuclear technology, one of which stipulates that nuclear will not be used for making weapons but on improving the welfare of the community.
During this time, he added, the results of research conducted by Batan for the utilization of nuclear technology has been able to provide benefits to society in various fields.
In agriculture, Batan has been able to produce seed for as many as 16 varieties of rice, sorghum and soybeans because during this time Indonesia still imports was the main ingredient of making tempeh.
Batan, he says, also find a formula that is able to feed farm animals increases the weight better, and making animal feed more durable.
In the health sector, according to him, nuclear technology has also been used to help cure people with mumps, as he had done to the community on the western slopes of Mount Merapi.
"Nuclear technology has also been used to detect water in the soil as is done in Klaten, Malang, Madura and in Gunungkidul Bribin project," he said.
Regarding the plan of nuclear power plants (NPP), Hudi said, there has been no follow-up to the plan of the power plant.
"Moreover, after a devastating earthquake in Japan which led to leakage of nuclear reactors Fukushima. The plan is still pending, while before the public reception is good enough," he said.
Batan, he added, will continue to prepare the human resources and increasing mastery of the technology because it has no mandate from Law Number 17 Year 2007 regarding the long-term development plans.
Nuclear power plant (NPP) is planned to be built in the Cape region Muntok Snake Western Pacific will proceed with the feasibility study stage locations.
source : antaranews.com